About Us

‘It takes a Village to raise a child’

In 2021, I initially established Village Mind to provide training modules on safeguarding children and young people. The African proverb above was very much the inspiration for the company name as it is a way of being I believe we desperately need to return to and upkeep. It also underpins a core belief of mine that villages are needed to oversee and manage the overall health and safety of children and young people. However, whilst I knew my training was making an impact in various organisations, it wasn’t long before I realised, I wanted to return to the grassroot level of directly working with the children and their families. 
Drawing on my wealth of experience across various settings, including children’s centres, primary and secondary schools, alternative provisions, the fostering service, therapeutic environments, and family courtrooms, I decided to transform Village Mind’s services to include interventions for families and schools addressing the needs of those who are in need and or hard to engage.
Spearheading the development of bespoke programmes designed to address the many challenges faced, I leveraged my expertise and deep understanding of numerous complex needs to offer customised solutions that resonate with diverse communities and ease burdens on overstretched resources. 
The Village Mind approach not only continues to increase our impact and the organisation as a whole but it also reinforces our reputation as a trusted partner in promoting the positive well-being and development of our future generations.
By recognising the critical need for tailored, hands-on support in the evolving landscape of children and family work, Village Mind has evolved into a pivotal resource and in most instances is the initial point of contact for families and schools. I’m very proud of what Village Mind has achieved in such a short space of time and know we will continue to make waves where it really matters. 
I encourage you book a face-to-face appointment with me now to see how we can work together and make a difference. I look forward to connecting.
Mel Prosper 
Founder and Lead Facilitator
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